Whether you're playing a game, listening to music, or streaming video, you need to be able to hear sound coming from your Mac.And, if the sound on your Mac has stopped working, you want to fix it right away.This article explains t...
Whether you are looking to sell your MacBook Airandwant to wipe its data for your securityorwant to start over with a fresh installation of macOS, follow this tutorial to clear all the data off your computer. You have options to ...
Issues with an echoing microphone can appear in one of several different ways: You hear a loud buzzing or other noise coming from your speakers that keeps increasing in intensity. You can hear your voice in your headset when y...
Sabrina Ortiz The days of speaking to a voice assistant and crossing your fingers that it understands you are over, with smart AI-supported voice assistants on the rise. Google's Gemini Live voice assistant sounds ...
Is your phone offline because 5G isn't working? It frustrates me when I can't get connected, so I did a lot of research to find out what goes wrong and how I could get back online ASAP.Here are my tips for when this happens to you...
This article takes you through various checks and fixes to learn why there are lines on your computer screen and what to do about them. How to Fix Vertical Lines on a Computer Screen How to Fix Lines on a Computer Screen ...
Is your computer screen displaying blackandwhite instead of its usual colors? This guide will walk you through a series of quick checks and solutions for how to fix this grayscale display issue and get the full-color option back, ...
This article explains some of the most common causes of an overtaxed CPU and provides several ways to fix high CPU usage in Windows 11. How to Fix 100% CPU Usage in Windows 11 Since there are a lot of causes for high CPU usage...
Artur Debat/Getty Images I'm in the process of launching a new project for the stage, so I've been on the lookout for an app that not only makes it easy to play video via a projector but also doesn't display my MacOS sc...
Whether they're red, green, or blue, vertical lines on a computer monitor aren't a good sign. Although it could mean your monitor is getting old and may soon need a replacement, it may just be you have a faulty HDMI or DisplayPort...
Sabrina Ortiz Whether you're seeking to launch your career or you've been in the labor market for decades, there's one thing we can all agree on -- creating a resume that attracts the eye of hiring managers is a ch...
Issues with a frozen computer can appear in one of several different ways: The mouse may stop moving while the keyboard still seems to work. The mouse and keyboard stop working, and all windows are frozen. You can't close any...