Mobile learning is an important trend in education today. The Mooresville Graded School District (MGSD) is at the forefront of this trend with their successful "Digital Conversion" and 1:1 laptop initiative. MGSD embarked on this ...
It was way back at Interop in Las Vegas this year where one of our PR guys, Ben Stricker, asked if I would be interested in the tour of Petco Park coming up as part of CiscoLive in San Diego. I said 'yeah!' for a number...
Innovation is often defined as novel technological invention. What is far less known about successful innovation efforts is that it takes a special breed of individual who possesses the rare combination of technical depth and shar...
This week the world celebrated the United Nations International Day for Persons with Disabilities. So let me ask you a question. What does disabled mean to you? If you say the word aloud, what comes to your mind? Wheelchairs, whit...
For many children, visiting Santa Claus, sitting on his lap, and telling him what they want for Christmas is a highlight of the holiday season. But for a sick, hospitalized child, participating in this tradition can be impossible....
With the end of the year fast approaching and the 31st Annual Gartner Data Center Conference in Las Vegas this week, this post is dedicated to a quick reflection on emerging data center trends and their impact on securit...
Over the past year, Cisco has been increasingly vocal and active around open source solutions .One of my favorite blogger, Omar Sultan , spent a lot of time writing on the subject , starti...
The Social Innovation Summit (SIS) is a place wherereallynice people who doreallynice things come together to sharereallyimportant innovations on ways to improve society...really! As a veteran of many conferences where hierarchy a...
Has your child visited with Santa yet? Then you know the excitement of hearing that jolly laugh and the "Ho Ho Ho" that accompanies Santa's twinkling eyes. But, what about the children who are hospitalized over the hol...
Yesterday I introduced you to the Cisco Domain TenSM, Cisco Services' framework for simplifying data center transformation. This model is applicable to both business (enterprise), public sector (e.g. government, f...
From baby boomers to generation X to digital generation of the twenty-first century, it is more important to find similarities in people expectations and experiences than to focus on the differences. We all want respect, pea...
The wealth management industry continues to face many challenges as it recovers from the financial crises of the past few years. And while financial markets have recovered most of their losses since 2008, investor confidence has n...