With the industry’s only enterprise class 4x4MIMO, three-spatial-stream access points that support the IEEE’s new 802.11ac specification, the Cisco® Aironet®3700 Seriesdelivers industry-leading performance and a High DensityExperience (HD Experience) for both the enterprise and service provider markets. TheAironet 3700 Series extends support to a new generation of Wi-Fi clients, such assmartphones, tablets, and high-performance laptops that have integrated 802.11ac support.
In its first implementation, 802.11 ac wave 1 provides a rate of upto 1.3 Gbps, roughly triple the rates offered by today’s high-end 802.11n access points. This provides the necessary foundation for enterprise and service provider networks alike to stay a head of the performance and band width expectations and needs of their wireless users.
Due to its convenience, wireless access is increasingly the preferred form of network connectivity for corporate users. Along with this shift, there is an expectation that wireless should notslow down user’s day-to-day work, but should enable a high performance experience while allowing users to move freely around the corporate environment.
By Utilizing a Purpose-built Innovative Chipset with the Best-inclass RF Architecture for a High Density Experience (HD Experience).
Building on the Cisco Aironet heritage of RF excellence, the 3700 Seriesutilizes a Purpose-built Innovative Chipsetwith the Best-in-class RF Architecture. This chipset provides a High Density Experience for enterprise network designed for mission critical, high performance applications. The 3700 is a series of flagship access points, delivering industry-leading performance for highly secure and reliable wireless connections and delivers a robustmobility experience that includes:
● 802.11ac with 4x4 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology with three spatial streams, offeringsustained 1.3-Gbps rates over a greater range for more capacity and reliability than competing accesspoints.
● Cross AP Noise Reduction1is a Cisco innovation that enables Access Points to intelligently collaborate inreal-time to allow more users to connect with optimized signal quality and performance.
● Optimized AP Roaming ensures clients will associate with the best AP offering the best data rate available.
● Cisco ClientLink 3.0 technology to improve downlink performance to all mobile devices, including one-, two-,and three-spatial-stream devices on 802.11ac while improving battery life on mobile devices such assmartphones and tablets.
● Cisco CleanAir technology enhanced with 80MHz Channel Support, provides proactive, high-speedspectrum intelligence across 20-, 40-, and 80-MHz-wide channels to combat performance problems due towireless interference.
● Modular architecture design that is carried forward from the Cisco Aironet 3600, enabling flexible add-onoptions in the form of the Cisco Aironet Wireless Security Module, the upcoming Cisco 3G Small CellModule, and the future Cisco Aironet 802.11ac Wave 2 Module, which are tightly integrated with the Aironet3700 Series Access Point platform and are completely field-upgradable.
● MIMO equalization optimizes uplink performance and reliability by reducing the impact of signal fade.
The new Cisco Aironet 3700 Series sustains reliable connections at higher speeds farther from the access pointthan competing solutions, resulting in up to three times more availability of 1.3-Gbps rates and optimizing theperformance of more mobile devices. The 3700 Series carries forward the modular architecture first introduced withthe Aironet 3600 Series and offers unparalleled investment protection, with support for the Cisco Aironet WirelessSecurity Module and in Q3 CY2014 the Cisco Universal Small Cell 5310 Module.
All of these features help ensure the best possible end-user experience on the wireless network.
Cisco also offers the industry’s broadest selection of 802.11n and 802.11ac antennas, delivering optimal coveragefor a variety of deployment scenarios.
The Cisco Aironet 3700 Seriesis a component of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network, which can scale to as manyas 18,000 access points with full Layer 3 mobility across central or remote locations on the enterprise campus, inbranch offices, and at remote sites. The Cisco Unified Wireless Network is the industry’s most flexible, resilient,and scalable architecture, delivering highly secure access to mobility services and applications and offering the lowest total cost of ownership and investment protection by integrating smoothly with the existing wired network.
For more datasheets, please go to the Download tab on each product details page, or search in the Datasheet Download Center.
Cisco announces the end-of-sale and end-of-life dates for the Cisco Aironet 3700 Series Access Points. The last day to order the affected product(s) is April 30, 2019. Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support from the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) as shown in Table 1 of the EoL bulletin. Table 1 describes the end-of-life milestones, definitions, and dates for the affected product(s). Table 2 lists the product part numbers affected by this announcement. For customers with active and paid service and support contracts, support will be available under the terms and conditions of customers' service contract.
Table 1. End-of-life milestones and dates for the Cisco Aironet 3700 Series Access Points
Un hito importante | definición | fecha |
End-of-Life Announcement Date | The date the document that announces the end-of-sale and end-of-life of a product is distributed to the general public. | April 30, 2018 |
End-of-Sale Date: | The last date to order the product through Cisco point-of-sale mechanisms. The product is no longer for sale after this date. | April 30, 2019 |
Last Ship Date: | The last-possible ship date that can be requested of Cisco and/or its contract manufacturers. Actual ship date is dependent on lead time. | July 30, 2019 |
End of SW Maintenance Releases Date: | The last date that Cisco Engineering may release any final software maintenance releases or bug fixes. After this date, Cisco Engineering will no longer develop, repair, maintain, or test the product software. | April 29, 2020 |
End of Vulnerability/Security Support: | The last date that Cisco Engineering may release a planned maintenance release or scheduled software remedy for a security vulnerability issue. | April 30, 2024 |
End of Routine Failure Analysis Date: | The last-possible date a routine failure analysis may be performed to determine the cause of hardware product failure or defect. | April 29, 2020 |
End of New Service Attachment Date: | For equipment and software that is not covered by a service-and-support contract, this is the last date to order a new service-and-support contract or add the equipment and/or software to an existing service-and-support contract. | April 29, 2020 |
End of Service Contract Renewal Date: | The last date to extend or renew a service contract for the product. | July 29, 2023 |
Last Date of Support: | The last date to receive applicable service and support for the product as entitled by active service contracts or by warranty terms and conditions. After this date, all support services for the product are unavailable, and the product becomes obsolete. | April 30, 2024 |
Tabla 2. Product part numbers affected by this announcement
End-of-Sale Product Part Number | Descripción del producto | Número de pieza del producto de repuesto | Descripción del producto de sustitución | Información adicional |
AIR-AP3702E-UXBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for Universal reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702E-UXK9 | 802.11ac AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; Universal | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702E-UXK910 | 802.11ac 10 AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; Universal | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702E-UXK9C | Cisco Aironet Mobility Express 3700 Series | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702E-UXZBLK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for Universal reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702EUXZBLK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for Universal reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702I-UXBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for Universal reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702I-UXK9 | 802.11ac AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; Universal | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702I-UXK910 | 802.11ac 10 AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; Universal | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702I-UXK9C | Cisco Aironet Mobility Express 3700 Series | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-AP3702I-UXZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for Universal domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-A-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; A Reg Domain | ap3802e-a-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig A Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-ABULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for A reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-AK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; A Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-AK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -A Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-AZBLK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for A reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-B-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; B Reg Domain | ap3802e-b-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig B Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-BBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for B reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-BK9++ | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; (B - TAA) | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-BK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; B Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-BK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -B Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-BZBLK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for B reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-C-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; C Reg Domain | ap3802e-c-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig C Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-CBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for C reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-CK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; C Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-CK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -C Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-D-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; D Reg Domain | ap3802e-d-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig D Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-DBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for D reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-DK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; D Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-DK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -D Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-E-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; E Reg Domain | ap3802e-e-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig -E Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-EBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for E reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-EK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; E Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-EK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -E Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-EZBLK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for E reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-F-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; F Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-F-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig F Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-FBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for F reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-FK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; F Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-FK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -F Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-H-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; H Reg Domain | ap3802e-h-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig -H Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-HBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for H reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-HK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; H Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-HK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -H Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-I-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; I Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-I-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig I Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-IBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for I reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-IK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; I Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-IK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -I Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-K-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; K Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-K-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig -K Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-KBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for K reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-KK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; K Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-KK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -K Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-N-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; N Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-N-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig N Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-NBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for N reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-NK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; N Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-NK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; N Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-Q-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; Q Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-Q-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig Q Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-QBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for Q reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-QK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; Q Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-QK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -Q Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-QZBLK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for Q reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-R-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; R Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-R-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig R Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-RBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for R reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-RK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; R Reg Domain | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-S-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; S Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-S-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig S Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-SBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for S reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-SK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; S Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-SK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; S Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-T-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; T Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-T-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig -T Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-TBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for T reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-TK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; T Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-TK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; -T Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-Z-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; Z Reg Domain | ap3802e-z-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; mGig Z Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-ZBULK | BOM Level AP3700e Bulk PID for Z reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702E-ZK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext; Z Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802E-ZK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CleanAir; 4x4:3; Mod; Ext Ant; Z Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702EAK9-RL | 802.11ac CtrlrAP4x43SS w/ClnAirExtAnt ARegDomain REFURBISHED | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-A-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; A Reg Domain | ap3802i-a-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig A Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-ABULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for A reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-AK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; A Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-AK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -A Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-AZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for A reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-B-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; B Reg Domain | ap3802i-b-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig B Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-BBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for B reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-BK9++ | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; (B - TAA) | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-BK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; B Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-BK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -B Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-BZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for B reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-C-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; C Reg Domain | ap3802i-c-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig C Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-CBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for C reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-CK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; C Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-CK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -C Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-CZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for C reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-D-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; D Reg Domain | ap3802i-d-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig D Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-DBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for D reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-DK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; D Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-DK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -D Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-DZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for D reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-E-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; E Reg Domain | ap3802i-e-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x43; Mod; Int Ant; mGig E Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-EBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for E reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-EK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; E Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-EK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -E Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-EZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for E reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-F-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; F Reg Domain | ap3802i-f-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig F Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-FBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for F reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-FK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; F Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-FK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -F Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-FZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for F reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-H-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; H Reg Domain | ap3802i-h-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig H Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-HBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for H reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-HK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; H Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-HK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -H Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-HZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for H reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-I-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; I Reg Domain | ap3802i-i-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig I Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-IBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for I reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-IK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; I Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-IK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -I Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-IZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for I reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-K-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; K Reg Domain | ap3802i-k-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig K Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-KBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for K reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-KK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; K Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-KK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -K Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-KZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for K reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-N-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; N Reg Domain | ap3802i-n-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig N Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-NBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for N reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-NK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; N Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-NK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -N Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-NZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for N reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-Q-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; Q Reg Domain | ap3802i-q-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig Q Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-QBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for Q reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-QK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; Q Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-QK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -Q Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-QZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for Q reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-R-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; R Reg Domain | ap3802i-r-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig R Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-RBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for R reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-RK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; R Reg Domain | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-S-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; S Reg Domain | ap3802i-s-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig S Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-SBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for S reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-SK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; S Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-SK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -S Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-SZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for S reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-T-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; T Reg Domain | ap3802i-t-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig T Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-TBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for T reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-TK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; T Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-TK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -T Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-TZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for T reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-Z-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int Ant; Z Reg Domain | ap3802i-z-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Int Ant; mGig Z Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-ZBULK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for Z reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-ZK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Int; Z Reg Domain | AIR-AP3802I-ZK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3SS; Int Ant; mGig -Z Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702I-ZZBLK | BOM Level AP3700i Bulk PID for Z reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702IAK9-RL | 802.11acCtrlrAP4x4:3SSw/CleanAirIntAntARegDomain REFURBISHED | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702IEK9-RL | 802.11acCtrlrAP4x4:3SSw/CleanAirIntAntERegDomain REFURBISHED | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-A-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;A Reg Dom. | ap3802p-a-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig A Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-ABULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -A reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-AK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;A Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-AK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -A Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-B-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;B Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-B-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig B Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-BBULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -B reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-BK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;B Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-BK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -B Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-C-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;C Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-C-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig C Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-CK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;C Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-CK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -C Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-D-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;D Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-D-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig D Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-DBULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -D reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-DK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;D Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-DK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -D Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-E-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;E Reg Dom. | ap3802p-e-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -E Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-EBULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -E reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-EK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;E Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-EK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -E Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-H-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;H Reg Dom. | ap3802p-h-k9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -H Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-HBULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -H reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-HK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;H Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-HK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -H Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-K-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;K Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-K-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig K Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-KK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;K Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-KK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -K Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-N-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;N Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-N-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig N Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-NBULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -N reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-NK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;N Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-NK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -N Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-Q-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;Q Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-Q-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig Q Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-QBULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -Q reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-QK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;Q Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-QK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -Q Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-R-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;R Reg Dom. | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-RK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;R Reg Dom. | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-S-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;S Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-S-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig S Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-SBULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -S reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-SK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;S Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-SK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -S Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-T-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;T Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-T-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -T Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-TK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;T Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-TK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -T Dom | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-Z-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-install;Z Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-Z-K9 | 802.11ac W2 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext; mGig Z Domain | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-ZBULK | BOM level bulk PID 3700P for -Z reg domain | Actualmente no hay ningún producto de reemplazo disponible para este producto. | - | - |
AIR-CAP3702P-ZK910 | 802.11ac Ctrlr 10APs 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir;Pro-instl;Z Reg Dom. | AIR-AP3802P-ZK910 | 802.11ac W2 10 AP w/CA; 4x4:3; Mod; Pro Ext Ant; mGig -Z Dom | - |
AIR-CAP37BTE-E-K9 | 802.11ac Ctrlr AP 4x4:3SS w/CleanAir; Ext Ant; E Reg Domain | See the Product Migration Options section below for detailed information on replacing this product. | - | - |