We recently commissioned a research initiative to explore the value of certifications in the workplace and to better understand the ways that Cisco training aids employers and employees. The study, which was conducted by an independent research firm, was designed to measure employer perceptions of highly valued individuals in their organizations.
The study focused on both employee performance as well as company performance metrics. Employees who were Cisco certified were found to have increased speed and effectiveness in completing network-related IT projects, resolving technical problems and an ability to come up to speed rapidly during onboarding. When employers were asked to quantify the impact a Cisco certified professional had on the company, results showed a decrease in network support costs and downtime as well as the ability to increase project load and customer satisfaction.
Key findings from the study include:
The research demonstrates that employers place significant value on Cisco certifications and training, with almost three-quarters agreeing that their Cisco certified employees are more knowledgeable and more valuable than their noncertified employees. The study validates what we knew all along: certifications deliver value with a wide variety of benefits for both employers and employees.
Find the full white paper here: http://www.cisco.com/go/hire