Have you heard of Tim Crawford? If you're an IT leader and you haven't, you're in for a treat today. Tim is an advisor to CIOs and enterprise organizations across a number of industries including financial services, healthcare, tech firms, and major airlines. He's an internationally renowned thought leader in the areas of IT transformation, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT). Which is to say, he is wise. So wise that CIOs (or at least their companies) pay him handsomely for advice on how they can do their jobs more effectively.
And today you will get to hear some of that very valuable wisdom for free on Episode 02 of Cloud Unfiltered.
During this week's interview with host Niki Acosta, Tim talks about:
See the video podcast on our YouTube page, listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, or read the transcript if you prefer. And if you like what you hear, we invite you to subscribe to these respective channels so you don't miss any of the exciting podcasts we have scheduled over the next several months. Enjoy!