Everything is getting smaller, including the components that are inside the gadgets and gizmos that we're trying to diagnose and repair. For years now I've been getting along with ahead-mounted magnifier , but even that's not enough when dealing with components that are little more than specks of dust.
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I needed a digital microscope. I needed theAndonstar AD407 Pro digital microscope .
A rotatable digital microscope that's ideal for repairing circuit boards and other electronics.
View at AmazonOK, enough with the specs, how well does the Andonstar AD407 Pro make things look bigger? Let's start with this circuit board.
Here's how it looks from my smartphone camera.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/On this small circuit board are some tiny components. Some are barely visible to the naked eye.
Let's take a closer look using the AD407 Pro. Here is a minute capacitor held by my ceramic tweezers. (I highly recommendceramic tweezers for precision work.)
A minute capacitor on the tiny circuit board looks enormous.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/The large 7-inch display makes repairing parts as small as the minute capacitor much easier. Just make sure you're careful when moving loose parts around.
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There's a remote control hanging off the side of the microscope that you can use to turn on LED lights for better viewing.
There is also a row of convenient buttons along the bottom of the display that controls things like magnification strength and turning the microscope on and off.
With the power of the microscope, I was able to use myUSB soldering iron to remove the tiny capacitor. To give you a better idea of just how small that component is, here it is on the tip of my finger!
It's crazy tiny!
That capacitor is no bigger than a speck of dirt.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/At$240, theAndonstar AD407 Pro is justifiable if you're a professional or enthusiast who wants a handy digital microscope. If you're an amateur or a beginner looking for something more affordable, I suggest theAD206 which, for$130, is a great alternative. Its screen resolution and sensors are a downgrade from the AD407 Pro, but the AD206 is still a great tool that will save you from squinting your eyes at the smallest objects!