Inspired by Excelacom's excellent and popular "What happens in an Internet minute" infographic, we've put together a nerdier version pertaining to data centers using data from our recent Global Cloud Index along with a few other figures. It's just as impressive in our view, if a little more obscure.
For the two figures in the infographic that come from the Cisco Global Cloud Index, we have projections for what this graphic might look like by 2020:
The scale and complexity of data center operations is mind-bending, and only continues to grow. High growth is compelling data center operators to seek means of streamlining and automating the management of traffic, workloads, and data, and is accelerating the adoption of software-defined networking and storage. By 2020, we expect two-thirds of all data center traffic to be handled by SDN/NFV infrastructures.
Rapid evolution and growth should make for an exciting 2017! Learn how Cisco ASAP (Analyze. Simplify. Automate. Protect.) data center solutions can transform your cloud infrastructure.