Your customers' networks are rapidly evolving to keep pace with new innovations and consumer demands. Digital transformation is now integral to remaining competitive in any space. Which means that enterprises have to constantly introduce increased access and functionality to their networks via applications, connected devices, and more to meet shifting consumer and employee demand.
Today, consumers want greater access to the data and information stored by organizations in order to more efficiently navigate their digital lives. At the same time, employees want access to applications and services that can automate tasks and optimize operational efficiency. Across industries, your customers have been quick to comply with these requests due to the distinct competitive advantages they offer, often without taking related security issues into enough account.
As digital adoption increases and network perimeters continue to erode, cybersecurity is a growing concern. Organizations taking action on their digital transformation plans have to be aware of and plan for the security implications that go along with those plans, and act accordingly to ensure security at each layer and segment of their expanding attack surface.
While organizations are adopting new technologies and services, cybercriminals are developing sophisticated methods of attack to target new attack vectors, exploit unforeseen vulnerabilities, and gain access to user data and other network resources. With this increased threat landscape and growing sophistication of cyberattacks, visibility into existing security measures, and identifying those places where there may be gaps is especially important.
There are a few key areas of digital transformation that have made network security more difficult.
Though more difficult to secure, each of these technology innovations provides core functionalities essential for competing in today's digital marketplace. Security cannot come at the cost of usability or performance. This means that your customers have to carefully assess their security infrastructure based on their comprehensive visibility into the tools and devices that access their network, knowledge of what their most valuable data is and how it is stored, and how the network performs at peak hours or under critical loads.
With this information your customers can make informed decisions about how to most effectively secure their network and the valuable data that resides there based on the risks they currently face. A cyber threat assessment provides security and performance intelligence that can be used to ensure that your customers are made aware of organizational risks before they occur, while providing them with the time they need to respond, well before a breach occurs.
A cyber threat assessment (CTA) can help your customers mitigate the risks brought on by specific technology adoptions, as well as across their entire network security infrastructure. A CTA ensures they have the necessary security measures in place, as well as locating security gaps that have to be fortified. Understanding which parts of the network are the most high-risk allows your customers to deploy more in-depth security in these areas, while lightening security in other areas to optimize spend.
Cyber threat assessments can also serve to evaluate compliance and demonstrate to regulating bodies that your customers are actively monitoring and addressing those security requirements necessary to be compliant.
Fortinet's cyber threat assessment uses a FortiGate next-generation firewall to monitor network activity. The end result is a cyber threat assessment report that will highlight keys areas of risk for your customers. Furthermore, the CTA provides insight into three key areas.
As your customers evolve into digital businesses, they will need to adopt new technologies and services in order to remain competitive. This increased threat landscape can leave gaps in their security architecture that can result in a data breach. Performing a cyber threat assessment can provide greater visibility into potential risks as organizations increase application and IoT use, and move into the cloud. Additionally, an assessment can give deeper insight into how your employees use the network, and whether is optimized for peak traffic. With this visibility, your customers can increase their security and ensure compliance.
To learn how to start a current or prospective customer in theCyber Threat Assessment Program, visit the Partner Portal.
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