Since around the turn of the year, specific to each region of the world, we in Cisco Services have established magazines (available in both printed and online formats) to bring you help and guidance on the challenges and opportunities of new technology adoption, evolution and maintenance, across all areas of Cisco technology. If you've read my blogs on Data Center and Cloud adoption challenges, you'll know that such opportunities and challenges are my passion, so I personally find these new magazines, and their perspectives from a range of Cisco writers including senior executives, very interesting.
In line with the way our customers' challenges vary across the world, we produce different magazines for:
In each case, you can eother subscribe online, request a printed copy, or do both!
In the Services Discovery Issue 1, there are excellent articles on migrating legacy RISC applications to Cisco UCS, and "Are You Thinking Cloud" -both areas Cisco can help you with. One of our Chinese financial customers, Bank of Chengdu, is featured on how they improved efficiency via data center improvements.
In the Americas "Services Perspective" Magazine, the recent article on "The Hidden Hazards within Private Clouds" was particularly interesting, including coverage on Cisco Domain TenSM which I have blogged on extensively on this year. Another excellent topic was "The Business and Technology Case for Infrastructure Modernization" describing the challenges and solutions to UNIX to Cisco UCS application migration.
And in the EMEARServices Dynamicsmagazine, we also discussed Cisco Domain Ten, Cisco Services framework for data center and cloud transformation.
As I say above, these are not simply magazines for data center and cloud, I've simply highlighted a few articles above that most relevant to my interests and this subject of this particular Cisco Data Center blog. So whatever your interests and location, we have well designed and insightful magazines for you!And we hope you enjoy and learn from them!