Welcome back loyal viewers-this is an episode not to be missed. Engineers Unplugged is thrilled to welcome thePacket Pushers(@packetpushers), akaGreg Ferro(@etherealmind) andEthan Banks(@ecbanks), as they discuss the underlay network. Yes, they're showing us the underside and future of software defined networking.
Watch and see:
Welcome toEngineers Unplugged, where technologists talk to each other the way they know best, with a whiteboard. The rules are simple:
- Episodes will publish weekly (or as close to it as we can manage)
- Subscribe to the podcast here: engineersunplugged.com
- Follow the#engineersunplugged conversation on Twitter
- Submit ideas for episodes or volunteer to appear by Tweeting to @CommsNinja
- Practice drawing unicorns
And it wouldn't be Engineers Unplugged without unicorns, a software defined one here.
We'll see you next week at VMworld! Be sure to drop by the Cisco booth and try your hand at unicorn whiteboarding.