If you're an astute visitor to Cisco.com, you'll notice a couple of our prominent pages have gotten some nice functional updates. .
First, the all new Support & Downloads page, which went just through some tweaks, streamlining, and a mobile-friendly update:

Some new functions on the new Support & Downloads page:
- Quicker searches for downloads and products
- Easy focus on top product categories
- Quick, visible access to open support cases, recent downloads, and recently visited products in support
- "Responsive" so it works nicely on smartphones (along with more than 7,000 mobile-friendly model support pages underneath)
Also, not too long ago, we created a new Products & Services gateway page:

Among the things we've updated on the Products & Services page:
- More readable with bigger fonts (so you don't have to squint)
- More pictures (so you don't have to read so much) (but still loads fast)
- Clearer linkage to the handy Products A-Z list
- "Let Us Help" available even as you scroll
- Better information on financing options (which you really should check out)
- "Responsive" so it works nicely on smartphones
- Linked more obviously from the body of the recently updated Cisco.com home page
More to come on the background on both of these designs. Enjoy!
P.S. Smartphone views of these same pages:
