The cyber threat landscape your customers face is constantly becoming more diverse and sophisticated as cybercriminals search for new entryways to exploit network access.
Challenges of The Current Threat Landscape
This has been reflected in the findings of our most recent Threat Landscape report. Cybercriminals still rely on tried methods such as malware attacks and the use of zero-day exploits to corrupt networks and steal data. However, they have recently expanded upon these methods with the use of cryptojacking, botnets, and designer attacks. Additionally, this research shows that cybercriminals have put a focus on operational technologies as an attack vector.
To compete with this onslaught of threats, organizations need to know how these attacks work, where their network is at risk, and what controls they need in place in order to minimize the impact of a cyberattack.
However, for organizations of all sizes, it's difficult to devote the necessary resources for threat research and security configuration -especially as the cybersecurity skills gap continues to challenge businesses to employ IT teams with these skills.
Using NSE Certifications to Combat Cyber Threats
This is why Fortinet Partners receive certification and training that make them better equipped to evaluate and secure their customers' networks based on current threat trends. Our NSE certified partners have advanced technical expertise in configuring security controls in complex networking environments, which they have proven by investing the time required to take and pass a series of hands-on classes and assessments.
The upcoming NSE EMEA Xperts Academy will continue to further this education with in-depth workshops taught by leading Fortinet technical experts, ensuring partners know how to leverage Fortinet's full security suite to combat a multitude of threats from endpoints to multi-clouds.
The NSE Xperts Academy
From June 25th-30th, Fortinet will host its NSE EMEA Xperts Academy at the Hotel Pullman Cannes-Mandelieu in France. This event brings together Fortinet's NSE Experts - our partners who have achieved their NSE 4 certification or higher.
These certifications indicate that these partners have an advanced technical understanding of Fortinet's security solutions and can effectively configure and install FortiGate Firewalls as well as broader Security Fabric solutions, and provide network administration, analysis, and reporting.
The conference will host over 30 engineers with their NSE 8 certification. This is the highest level of certification to achieve, meaning these partners have shown advanced technical mastery of all eight levels of NSE training. NSE 8 certified partners have demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of complex networks, and how to most effectively design, configure, and troubleshoot security controls. There will be a separate challenge for NSE 8 certified partners onsite at the event.
NSE Xperts Academy Themes and Sessions
The NSE Xperts Academy offers hands-on sessions that will enhance how our certified partners approach security, thus giving them the resources and experience they need to provide consistent value to their customers using Fortinet products.
The conference will focus on several key themes based on recent threat trends as well as broader digital transformation trends. These include: